Specialized laboratories
Research & Training
This center, using educated personnel at the doctorate and master's levels and relying on twenty-four years of experience, transfers its experiences in the form of holding seminars and training courses with practical and qualitative content in the fields of safety, EMC, lasers, security, encryption and quality management systems.
According to the approval of the Law on Protection of Consumers and Producers' Rights in 2009 and the approval of its executive regulations in 2011, this center as the executive arm of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade in the field of evaluating after-sales services of ICT equipment importing companies It has been operating since the last 3 years.
This center demonstrates the quality of products in the fields of electricity and electronics, medical engineering, administrative and educational equipment, telecommunications, safety and entertainment devices and educational aids for children, computer equipment and parts, and data processing in order to protect the rights of end consumers and support and encourage importers. and offers reliable manufacturers.
The Informatics Research Center with more than 15 years of experience in compiling Iran's national standards now has 16 secretaries approved by Iran's National Standards Organization to draft Iran's national standards in the fields of telecommunications, electricity and electronics, information technology, medical engineering, services, documents and administrative equipment. It is educational.
Scientific & Cultural
Research Center of Informatic Industries publishes quarterly journals, scientific articles and holds specialized seminars in order to publish specialized knowledge and promote domestic technology. Some of the cultural activities of this center are described below.

Partner organizations

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